Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who let the three headed dog out

Hi, my name is Cerberus. I'm a five story three headed dog with a snake tail and snake heads growing out of my back. I'm the guard dog to Hades Underworld and I eat any souls that try to escape from the Underworld. Hades is my master and lord of the Underworld and a really nice guy once you get to know him. He made me a few cakes and doggy treats a few times cause I was a good boy. That's all should know about me for now but I'll tell more about me in later blogs.


  1. That sounds like the scariest animal... I mean creature I have ever herd of. If those still existed, I would go in hiding for like ever.

  2. you sound scary, but I'm not scared of you Poseidon fears nothing!

  3. you are a good boy :3
