Monday, November 23, 2009

Underneath the Fur

In my spare time I like to just hang around and to nothing sometimes when I'm tired. On days that I'm more energetic I like to play fetch with Hades or try to beat Charon down the river. I have no love cause I'm always in Underworld and never on the surface. It gets kinda lonely just sitting there watching souls go by. Every now and then a few souls try to escape but I always catch them and eat them. I have a boring personal life which sometimes makes me depressed but I must do my duty for Underworld so I guess I'll just have to stick it out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fearsome Creature, never had such thoughts entered my mind about you, not even in my own voyage to the Underworld. If there were a chance, I pray the Gods reward you with time on earth.

  3. Thats a sweet picture of a three headed dog

  4. Sup Cerberus, how's it going? How's life in the Underworld? Hope Haedes isn't hatin' on you, 'cause I can ask my dad Zeus to talk to him.

  5. I want you to guard my grapevine!
    so fierce!
    nobody would even dare to come close to it!
    u can have all the drinks u want :D
